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I can't help thinking queer is like having ONE WORD for black surgeons white rappers female pilots and male librarians.
2007 September - Row over Swiss People's Party's ''kick out the black sheep'' poster aimed at deporting foreigners who commit crimes.
At one time it was thought AIDS resulted from the virus running over the immune
system "like a truck" (in Gallo's words), destroying a particular class of
cell, known for short as T4 cells, crucial in co-ordinating the body's response against infections.
He never actually showed it to me, but berated me for two
hours over my work. After nearly two decades of work, AIDS scientists still do not know how or why HIV
is pathogenic. There are two main categories of the test, using methods known as Western blot (WB)
and Elisa. There were other potential sources for all
of them. It also cited studies showing false-positive results with the "HIV" test in people with
many different sources of immune system activation, including
tuberculosis and malaria. Nevertheless, a growing body of expert opinion believed that false claims of devastation by
HIV were leading to a tragic diversion of resources from areas of genuine
medical need such as malaria, tuberculosis and malnutrition.