“ The series was canceled after two seasons. Released in 1982, the
Commodore 64 had a 1MHz CPU and two big draws: a powerful,
programmable sound chip and powerful graphics
for a 1982 computer. Abandonia was founded in 1999 when the concept of abandonware was merely two years
old. While computer company Sinclair found success in the United States with
the Timex Sinclair 1000, its greatest contribution to the
industry was the ZX Spectrum, launched a few years later in 1982.
The design was similar: The Spectrum was a small, affordable (£ 125 in the U.K.) system that incorporated a keyboard into its
body. Denyer, Silas. "Sinclair ZX 81." (Sept. Lyon, Tony.
"The Toshiba MSX (HX-10) 64K." (Sept. Reimer, Jeremy.
"Total share: 30 years of personal computer market share features." Dec.
14, 2005. (Sept. But writing this was fun, and highlighted just how incredible the computer
market was in the 1980s. No computer in the past 20 years has had the market power of
a Commodore 64 or an Apple II. Even better, the Commodore 64 cost a reasonable $595 and had 64KB of RAM
(hence the name). Sometimes the aluminum casing on MacBook Pros takes
the heat in discussions and even screen brightness or high resolution seem to up the temps
for other users. ”