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Robert Jappie, a partner at the law firm Ince, said the ruling was "a big win" for the CBD industry.
The ruling was made in relation to the prosecution in France of KanaVape, a
company that exports CBD oil made from whole hemp plants.
The ruling also highlighted that France had not banned
synthetic CBD, which has the same properties but is not produced using the entire cannabis plant.
Interestingly enough, France is the only wetern nation to have never banned Hemp cultivation and thus the practice is entirely legal.
France, although having a very liberal and open stance on Cannabis use, both recreationally and medically does not
necessarily have the same legal viewpoint on the matter. In some cases, having flavored CBD oil can be fun, but just
make sure that the flavoring agents are natural.
"The national court must assess available scientific data in order to make sure that the real risk to public health alleged does not appear to be based on purely hypothetical considerations," the court wrote.
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