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This is why we advise people to use "concentrated" cannabis extracts,which have
a VERY long history of safe consumption, and so that you only need to
take in micro doses to get the desired effect, as opposed to weaker
e-liquids that require you to vape all day long just to get a
small amount of CBD. You should always speak with your doctor before trying CBD
oil, especially if you take medications or supplements, because
of potential interactions. Their product bottle clearly
indicates the CBD concentration per serving, and the packaging provides useful information (directions, serving guidelines, potential
uses, etc.). Experts suggest full-spectrum CBD oil may be a better option than broad-spectrum
and isolate for customers looking to maximize the
effects of its potential benefits per dose. Is full-spectrum CBD oil better?

And it is much better than pure CBD. The two main receptors in the endocannabinoid system are CB1, which is
largely found in the brain and central nervous system, and CB2,
which is mostly found in the immune system (and
in much lower levels in the central nervous system).
The FDA accepts CBD oil products that contain no more than 0.3% THC,
which means compliant oils are federally legal.