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Every CBD product contains natural ingredients,
and pure, top-quality, organic CBD. FOCL Premium Pet CBD Drops
are THC Free, human grade and made with organic ingredients.
As a final point it has amazing benefits and 100% pharmaceutical grade product!
They have useful pet health information on their blog which goes beyond
just the CBD benefits for your pet. CBD oil is made from the natural compounds (cannabinoids, terpenes,
phytonutrients) found in the hemp plant that have been shown to have a variety of health benefits, including pain relief.
Even for pure CBD oil, there are very few well-conducted trials backing up
its apparent health benefits, although research is expected to ramp up now that laws distinguish between hemp and marijuana.
There are no relevant amounts of CBD found in this strain. There are
many excellent CBD oil brands on the market today, but it can be
difficult to navigate the maze of low-end suppliers sprinkled into
the mix. Grown in Kentucky and extracted using ultra-clean CO2 extraction methods, CBDfx CBD oil is among the best on the
market. And the same quality CBD oil that CBDfx uses in its products for humans is used
in their CBD Oil for Dogs.