“ There is an explanation for each variable, right behind itself.
In their pre-sex interview, Cherie and AJ reveal that they have never been intimate with
each other, and have been waiting for this moment for quite
some time. Tourists have been going down regularly, but beyond a
few men at work, little was to be seen. Some trophy fiend, most probably some girl
with the thought of a crazy patch, cut a large piece out of one of these damask curtains; consequently the governor
has issued orders that no visitors shall be admitted,
and the Yankees have gone down one notch further in the scale
where they already, by their own conduct, hold a low position. Yet this exchange
of charms interferes in no way with love-making, and the young man wafts sweet kisses from his finger-tips
to the fair - no, dark - damsel, and enjoys it as much as if that black,
silky down on her lip were fringing the gateway to his stomach.
The young ladies all wore their dresses just reaching their knees, and the fancy
boots displayed were something marvelous; satin of
all shades, embroidered with gold and silver, and trimmed with flowers. ”