“ Thus, programming is somewhat completely different as compared with different varieties of Arduino boards.
Thus, that is all about different types of Arduino boards.
Arduino Uno is essentially the most steadily used board and it's the standard type aside from all the existing Arduino Boards.
This Arduino board is dependent upon an ATmega328P based microcontroller.
The Arduino Micro board mainly relies on the ATmega32U4 primarily based Microcontroller that features 20-units of pins where the 7-pins are
PWM pins, 12-analog input pins. This board contains digital I/O pins-54 the place 12-pins are PWM o/p pins, analog pins -12, UARTs-4, a CLK with 84 MHz,
an USB OTG, DAC-2, a power jack, TWI-2, a JTAG header, an SPI header, two buttons for reset & erase.
Simply plug the board, select the menu possibility to choose an Arduino UNO and you're ready to
upload this system. ”